Read below this is awesome stuff :
she always laughs, at the most horrible things
smile torn in two
sweetened pain
she always laughs
at the most horrible things
knife in her heart
she's smiling again
drowning inside
going numb on the outside
ripped all apart on the in
holding back the tears
feeling pain
she says it's better than
not feeling at all
some form of being alive
she always laughs
at the most horrible things
she always laughs
at the most horrible things
knife in her heart
she's smiling again
drowning inside
she always laughs, at the most horrible things
Monday, August 30, 2004
CONTINUING HOLI : As I said Holi is my favorite festival. This pic is from this (2004) years Holi Party. I am "just" covered in yellow color in the pic. The color is called Gulal ( a perfumed color powder made from flower extracts ).We had bhang (festival favorite herbal drug ~ bliss ) , Bacardis , Beers and it took some 18 hours sleep after the celebrations before I woke up back in the world. !!!!!

LOOSE YOURSELF IN COLOR( dark one at that ) !!! This is a pic I have taken of a pic from my Sony T610 camera phone ( I am searching for a good new mobile camera phone ..the new Nokia ones dont excite me ). I had organize a small HOLI party this year earlier in march (6th March 2004 Saturday) on Holi.( Holi is a Festival of colors. People who love it have the time of their lives every year on this day..The day consists of coloring your freinds and family ..having bhang-an indian way of tasting bliss....Its my favorite festival ..
MY BEST COFFE !!!!! This is a snap from a lovely coffe I had at Barista ( I am not telling the city and location for personal reasons !!) The only reason I am posting this Pic here is...( hmm dont laugh plz...Its not funny)..well lately I have been seeing a lot of movies dealing with Amnesia ( memory loss) .I fear if someday if I had memory loss,if nothing reminds me of my past...this SURELY WILL !!!..By the way -I HIGHLY RECOMMED GOING OUT FOR COFFEE WITH FREINDS AND PEOPLE YOU LOVE..ITS ONE OF SMALL THINGS IN LIFE WHICH TRULY MAKES FOR GOOD MEMORIES ..( and yeah they cure amnesia...Lollzzz) !!!

Ah ha...till.....M. Night Shyamalan ( oh yes he is indian-making-big-in-hollywood-land) THE VILLAGE happened to me.
SHORT REVIEW : Some of the best critics in USA have said great words about this movie.( Atleast this is what the movies website claims and I am going by this only).Well for me , this movie is a BIG WASTE OF TIME. It has a waifer thin plot. A plot which you can unravel half way through the movie. Its marketing promos claim and promote it as a HORROR/THRILLER movie , where it doesnt even have even 1/100th of second resemblance to HORROR. By the time the movie finishes , you start wondering to yourself wot-did-I-enjoy-more-the-popcorn-pepsi-or-the-movie ????
The characters dont interest , they dont act well. Some critics on the web claim the acting and the characted development to be good. Well if a dumb-silent-look is acting then I would rather watch WWF wrestling ( they seem to have more interesting plots).
Its a BAD SILLY MOVIE . The directors wants to claim he is the modern Hitchcock , well he made a good "The Sixth Sense".
My recommendation to Mr Night - Come home from your Village and See the Signs , use your Sixth Sense and next time make something Unbreakable !!!
P.S : By the way why do the villagers wear those Yellow-Raincoats-like-sheeters when they go out in the woods ??? I guess the production guys had trouble gettings in some other colors.. maybe budget contraints !!! I guess the budget these days is only meant for Marketing !!!
Craving for more !!!
Worked most of the Friday night after watching " The Butterly Effect " .
Woke up in the afternoon on Saturday. big weekend is still going on.
I am catching up on much needed sleep which is a BIG THRILL for me more then anything.
Spent the Saturday evening doing some sundry shopping - needed some cross cables for home network ( I am currently setting up a STUDY IN MY HOME for myself ) , some blanks CDs , magazines etc.
The excitement started at 9 in the night. I went out with few freinds to check our a new Night club ( the popular word in Delhi for them is Lounge bars. I barely see any people lounging around on Saturday nights - its as good or bad as the old DISCOS !!) in Sahara Mall , Gurgaon.( For the uninformed Gurgaon is the No.1 hotspot for BPO , IT and All the Outsourcing wave across various industries in the world and in India. )
CRAVE - yeah crave was the name of the club and it was small but good. The DJ played some good music and I spent whole of my night till early morning 5AM there.
The DJ at the club as-it-turned-out was a freind of my freind .
Met the DJ and noticed an interesting tag line on his T- shirt. It said
This message was printed on his T shirt in white and it glowed in the Dark dance floor under the Blue Neon Lights.
For once I wanted to answer this question for him and spell the line
"coz A-I-D-S is still incurable on this planet EARTH " .
These new yippie yo type DJs ,sometimes go too far with their T -Shirts.( they sometimes come under a weird sorry category of people I Call always-trying-to-grab-attention-of-crowd-when-inside-their-hearts-they-know-its-all-about-the-good-looking-babes )
Anways , he played good music thats wot only matters in the end.
Came home on Sunday morning , slept till afternooon.
Spent the rest of the afternoon doing sundry activities.
The BIG weekend was going good and fairly relaxed till .......!!!!!!
Woke up in the afternoon on Saturday. big weekend is still going on.
I am catching up on much needed sleep which is a BIG THRILL for me more then anything.
Spent the Saturday evening doing some sundry shopping - needed some cross cables for home network ( I am currently setting up a STUDY IN MY HOME for myself ) , some blanks CDs , magazines etc.
The excitement started at 9 in the night. I went out with few freinds to check our a new Night club ( the popular word in Delhi for them is Lounge bars. I barely see any people lounging around on Saturday nights - its as good or bad as the old DISCOS !!) in Sahara Mall , Gurgaon.( For the uninformed Gurgaon is the No.1 hotspot for BPO , IT and All the Outsourcing wave across various industries in the world and in India. )
CRAVE - yeah crave was the name of the club and it was small but good. The DJ played some good music and I spent whole of my night till early morning 5AM there.
The DJ at the club as-it-turned-out was a freind of my freind .
Met the DJ and noticed an interesting tag line on his T- shirt. It said
This message was printed on his T shirt in white and it glowed in the Dark dance floor under the Blue Neon Lights.
For once I wanted to answer this question for him and spell the line
"coz A-I-D-S is still incurable on this planet EARTH " .
These new yippie yo type DJs ,sometimes go too far with their T -Shirts.( they sometimes come under a weird sorry category of people I Call always-trying-to-grab-attention-of-crowd-when-inside-their-hearts-they-know-its-all-about-the-good-looking-babes )
Anways , he played good music thats wot only matters in the end.
Came home on Sunday morning , slept till afternooon.
Spent the rest of the afternoon doing sundry activities.
The BIG weekend was going good and fairly relaxed till .......!!!!!!
Saturday, August 28, 2004

Saw this movie " The Butterfly Effect" this Friday night ( I have a long weekend coming - Sat , Sun , Mon- hence wanted to start it off with a good movie ) . The movie has an interesting premise ...WE ALL HAVE MOMENTS WE WISH WE COULD CHANGE SOMETHING...RIGHT A WRONG !! The movie explores the interplay of cause and effect in our lives !!! RECOMMENDED ..( though critics on the net have been bashing it ) ***
Friday, August 27, 2004

Coming Soon : The Shimla Escapade !!!!!!....... This pic is of the THE RIDGE in Shimla ( HP , India ).My brother studid here for 3 years in college doing his Business Administration.I used to frequent it often to meet him. Its a fantastic vacation hill station and some cool , weird , and ya mysterious stories coming soon...Right on this BLOG !!!!
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Ever wondered , wots the view of the world from the TOP ??
OH DAMN....I am late again , busy again....Cant take 5 mins out for blogging....urrrghhhh!!!!
But , I will make up ...surely!!
During the course of my web surfing...I came across this very very interesting link.
A 360 degree panaromic view of the world from the TOP OF MT.EVEREST !!!
Look at the link and send a WOW to me as your comment!!!
Ever wondered , wots the view of the world from the TOP ??
But , I will make up ...surely!!
During the course of my web surfing...I came across this very very interesting link.
A 360 degree panaromic view of the world from the TOP OF MT.EVEREST !!!
Look at the link and send a WOW to me as your comment!!!
Ever wondered , wots the view of the world from the TOP ??
Friday, August 13, 2004
Good Old Days of TUX ( the penguin ) !!!
Its funny how differrent things converge on the same centerpiece and fit beautifully. What you call Good fortune , according to me sometimes is a "culminitation of internal and external energies in a focussed way on a single aim ".
Just 4-5 hours ago I posted some images taken by my professional photographer buddy Mohit Manchanda ( currently based in Townsville QueensLand Australia ) and I started thinking about our days together in the LINUX Certification program batch in NIIT ( a renowned computer science training institute in India . NIIT is one of the TOP IT Training and Software Companies in India ) .
The story goes like this , in the year 1999 - my student days . I was the geeky guy crazy over LINUX , Open source and wanted to learn in badly.Those days Red Hat came in ver5.0 or 5.1 . Now I guess they come in ver 8.0 , 9.0 or something. The jump from 5.0 to 5.2 version was big jump in those days if I remember correctly.
Me and Mohit Manchanda used to study in NIIT in different batches - he was doing GNIIT a 3years course and I was doing a 6 month VB 6.0 programming course.
We bonded well and took up this newly introduced Red HAT linux 5.2 course.
We had a batch of 3 people , the 3rd one being a sexy dusky looking girl ( I cant beleive , i have forgotten her name now ).She was I guess doing the course just to hang out with 2 cool good looking guys ( THIS IS NICE FOR MY EGO ....u know..its my blog..and hence I am allowed to exercies my EGO. !! ) .
Anyways moving , both of us Mohits ( Maheshwari and Manchanda) we were getting more and more interested into linux and tux. We even had internal competitions on who knew more.
I must admit in the theory and practical official exams at NIIT , i got better grades then him . But actually he was better then me.
I was surfing around 15 minutes ago and saw this email below , from the email archives of this LINUX Delhi group. It took me back to my times as a struggling computer student.
The times Mohit and me , we used to sit at his house ( sipping the most perfect lemonade and tea which his mom used to make ) in front of his PC for hours experimenting with LINUX 5.2.
We used to feel excited at the release of a new version of StarOffice or any goodie associated with Linux.
Mohit Manchanda was a hardcore ethical person , he would work on licensed software or OPEN source but NEVER pirated ones.The man would prefer to waste 4 hours installing and re installing LINUX on his PC which was slow or use STAR OFFICE for word proccesing.
But he would never ever use a PIRATED copy of MS office.
He would say , when I can afford one I will use it.
For now Star does my job.
From: mohit maheshwari
Subject: Re: [linux-delhi] More goodies...
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 11:56:14 -0700
hi great intelligent people
i'm a new linux user and new to this mad mad world (if i can say so)
i have become a member of this list and already read 40 mails in the last 3
days regarding linux demo day and still not understood completely whether
this demo is for dummies and novices like me or for gurus like u all. if its
for me please let me know the final venue and schedule ....
i would like to offer any sort of help i can
mohit maheshwari (from my win 98 environment!poor me!)
>From: Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [linux-delhi] More goodies...
>Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 18:57:06 +0530 (IST)
>Received some more goodies for LDD today from Linux Central. Slightly
>dated, but here's the list:
>One copy each of:
>- Faximum Messaging Server 1.0
>- Proceedings of the Linux World conference and expo, Aug 9-12 1999.
>- S.u.S.E 6.0
>- RH 5.2 source
>- Mandrake 5.3
>- RH 5.2 Binaries
>- Caldera Open Linux 1.3
>And some 5 small brochures. Bit disappointing, actually, huh?
>-- Raju
Today I mostly prefer to sell projects to my clients on /ASP/ MS SQL or any other Microsoft technology.
Clients keep asking me " you dont do OPEN SOURCE ?? You dont do JAVA ?? You dont know LINUX ?? " , its very hard for even a marketing person like me to explain to them .
In conclusion , my focus on selling Microsoft technologies for my project is my JOB responsibility and a part of marketing strategy of the company I consult with.
On the other hand at one point of time my passion was the opposite , Open Source.
Money changes a lot of thing in most of us.
But not in ALL of us.
Mohit Manchanda still uses Star office or Adobe Photoshop 5.0 version ( which he must have got with some scanner or something) but would still never use Photoshop 7.0 ( pirated or unlicensed).
Some humans can change their versions....other live with them..!!!!!!!
Just 4-5 hours ago I posted some images taken by my professional photographer buddy Mohit Manchanda ( currently based in Townsville QueensLand Australia ) and I started thinking about our days together in the LINUX Certification program batch in NIIT ( a renowned computer science training institute in India . NIIT is one of the TOP IT Training and Software Companies in India ) .
The story goes like this , in the year 1999 - my student days . I was the geeky guy crazy over LINUX , Open source and wanted to learn in badly.Those days Red Hat came in ver5.0 or 5.1 . Now I guess they come in ver 8.0 , 9.0 or something. The jump from 5.0 to 5.2 version was big jump in those days if I remember correctly.
Me and Mohit Manchanda used to study in NIIT in different batches - he was doing GNIIT a 3years course and I was doing a 6 month VB 6.0 programming course.
We bonded well and took up this newly introduced Red HAT linux 5.2 course.
We had a batch of 3 people , the 3rd one being a sexy dusky looking girl ( I cant beleive , i have forgotten her name now ).She was I guess doing the course just to hang out with 2 cool good looking guys ( THIS IS NICE FOR MY EGO ....u know..its my blog..and hence I am allowed to exercies my EGO. !! ) .
Anyways moving , both of us Mohits ( Maheshwari and Manchanda) we were getting more and more interested into linux and tux. We even had internal competitions on who knew more.
I must admit in the theory and practical official exams at NIIT , i got better grades then him . But actually he was better then me.
I was surfing around 15 minutes ago and saw this email below , from the email archives of this LINUX Delhi group. It took me back to my times as a struggling computer student.
The times Mohit and me , we used to sit at his house ( sipping the most perfect lemonade and tea which his mom used to make ) in front of his PC for hours experimenting with LINUX 5.2.
We used to feel excited at the release of a new version of StarOffice or any goodie associated with Linux.
Mohit Manchanda was a hardcore ethical person , he would work on licensed software or OPEN source but NEVER pirated ones.The man would prefer to waste 4 hours installing and re installing LINUX on his PC which was slow or use STAR OFFICE for word proccesing.
But he would never ever use a PIRATED copy of MS office.
He would say , when I can afford one I will use it.
For now Star does my job.
From: mohit maheshwari
Subject: Re: [linux-delhi] More goodies...
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 11:56:14 -0700
hi great intelligent people
i'm a new linux user and new to this mad mad world (if i can say so)
i have become a member of this list and already read 40 mails in the last 3
days regarding linux demo day and still not understood completely whether
this demo is for dummies and novices like me or for gurus like u all. if its
for me please let me know the final venue and schedule ....
i would like to offer any sort of help i can
mohit maheshwari (from my win 98 environment!poor me!)
>From: Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [linux-delhi] More goodies...
>Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 18:57:06 +0530 (IST)
>Received some more goodies for LDD today from Linux Central. Slightly
>dated, but here's the list:
>One copy each of:
>- Faximum Messaging Server 1.0
>- Proceedings of the Linux World conference and expo, Aug 9-12 1999.
>- S.u.S.E 6.0
>- RH 5.2 source
>- Mandrake 5.3
>- RH 5.2 Binaries
>- Caldera Open Linux 1.3
>And some 5 small brochures. Bit disappointing, actually, huh?
>-- Raju
Today I mostly prefer to sell projects to my clients on /ASP/ MS SQL or any other Microsoft technology.
Clients keep asking me " you dont do OPEN SOURCE ?? You dont do JAVA ?? You dont know LINUX ?? " , its very hard for even a marketing person like me to explain to them .
In conclusion , my focus on selling Microsoft technologies for my project is my JOB responsibility and a part of marketing strategy of the company I consult with.
On the other hand at one point of time my passion was the opposite , Open Source.
Money changes a lot of thing in most of us.
But not in ALL of us.
Mohit Manchanda still uses Star office or Adobe Photoshop 5.0 version ( which he must have got with some scanner or something) but would still never use Photoshop 7.0 ( pirated or unlicensed).
Some humans can change their versions....other live with them..!!!!!!!

I LOVE YOU : This PIER in Townsville is exactly the sort of place where the Hero says " I LOVE YOU " to the heroine wearing some sexy clothes and the wind blowing her away. I wonder to whom Mohit Manchanda said this on the PIER.. He is not telling me !!!! Ladies - he is a good looking eligible bachelor and a gentlemen . You can contact him by on .Unfortunately he doesnt like to take his pictures.

THIS IS ROMANCE !!!! This is a picture taken by a very close freind of mine , Mohit Manchanda ( . This is Castle Hill and Cleveland Bay in Townsville (Queensland - Australia ) . Mohit Manchanda ( yes we both are MOHIT M , I am Maheshwari he is Manchanda ) has been living in Townsville and works there as a professional photographer.He is currently working with some local Travel and Nature magazines. These pics have been given to me by Mohit Manchanda under exclusive personal display for my blog !!! These pics are covered under Copyright laws.
Thursday, August 12, 2004

This is me and Laetitia having FUN. She is a good pal of mine and was getting bored. I invited her over for some drinks. !!! ( Too bad she doesnt drink , thats why you see the drink only in my hand ) . By the way , she has vowed to stop modelling and do it only on my approval. !!. I AM VERY POSSESIVE ABOUT HER YOU SEE !! ;-)
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
My Summer Blockbuster season !!!
Most of my freinds have been asking me for some or the other movie recommendations. ( I guess they like my suggestions and movie taste . I consult them based on their individual taste )
I have myself been very "into" movie watching lately..!!
For the last couple of months , relaxation has meant...Movie watching on a Friday night ( the start of a possible great weekend) at my Home or Theatre.
Here is a Quicklist and an even quicker review from my side on the movies I saw or was forced to see or could never complete !!!!
Hollywood/International Movies
I have myself been very "into" movie watching lately..!!
For the last couple of months , relaxation has meant...Movie watching on a Friday night ( the start of a possible great weekend) at my Home or Theatre.
Here is a Quicklist and an even quicker review from my side on the movies I saw or was forced to see or could never complete !!!!
Hollywood/International Movies
- Troy (****) - Awesome is the word..Watch out for the camera movement during the Trojan horse sequences in the end..
- Van Helsing ( ***) - Ambience/Thematics Galore....Cool movie..if you really like special effects.
- Harry Porter and Prisoner of Azkaban (*****) - Excellent Entertainment. The best got better..I think its the best installment yet of the 3 movies..a Very Dark film..with more focus on natural surroundings.
- Spiderman 2 ( ***) - Expected more from this one..But still not regrets...The character development was the highlights of this one..Best Scene..when Toby maguire falls from the roof top trying to re-practice his Spidey skills !!
- I,Robot ( ***) - Good popcorn my terminology ..I call it the prequel to Matrix 1. Definately inspired by Matrix movies ..I dont know why there is no such story in the media.
- Secret Window ( ****) - Johnny Depp at his best . A Good ambience driven movie after a long time.
- Matchstick Men (***) - Nicolas Cage at his best..Best surprise ending in the con movie genre off late.
- Around the World in 80 Days ( **) - Expected more chills and thrills from this Jackie Chan flick..Frankly speaking its actually very funny and boring at the same time , when Jackie tries to act sad ( which he does in some part of the movie in the middle)
- Kill Bill Vol 2 (***1/2) - Good movie on the whole. I would rather would have preferred to watch both volumes together , then split them up.. I dont know what prompted such a strategy with the marketing guys..Anyways , its a good movie..Will be remember for Cat fights and background music..Watchout for the eyeball grasp !!! Cant Yukksss!!! Cant they get any more creative ??
- Irreversible ( ***) - Dont wanna comment, except definately not porn !! See it for yourself if you have the temprement. My Advise , see it only if you WANNA SPOIL a Good Day!! The movie does its JOB VERY WELL...Its meant to leave a BAD TWISTED STATE OF MIND.However its philosophy on love , sex,society and relationships is definately thought provoking
- Euro Trip ( **) - Stupid Gags and even more worse actors..!!!Not even a time pass.
- The Day after Tommorow ( **) - Not much creative work here. Average stuff . Time pass types.
- The Terminal ( **) - Tom Hanks provides his usual brilliance. However the plot of a person from some unheard of country coming to New York to get an autograph of a Jazz artist for his late dad and getting stuck in JFK Airport is wishful thinking .The plot is interesting but somehow my interest was lost in the later parts of the movie which were boring.
- 13 going on 30 ( **) - A movie which is not certain whether it wants to make an emotional statement or be an out and out comedy. Still its a time pass. Wont recommend highly though.
Bollywood/CrossOvers ( Hindi/English) :
- Hum Tum ( **) - Gawwd they are still making such stupid movies.But for Saif ,comic timing , this movie is not even time pass stuff!!!
- Lakshya (***) - Good movie from a great director .Saw it twice in theater .First saw by choice ..second time by Force on a cousins Birthday.( Rupal its only for you I did this aweful aweful thing)
- Gayab (1/2) - THE WORST MOVIE EVER by RGV !! How could I waste my time and money on this shit.!! Still regret it.
- Yuva ( ***) - Good , intelligent hindi movie ....finally .Amazing Music....!! Still listen to some of the tracks.
- Masti ( **) - Adult Jokes, Gags and time pass galore. See it for some slapstick comedy.
Movies left /Completed in parts:
- The Ring ( ***** ) : Excellent movie , but got me too tensed and engrossed..Saw it in make peace with the excellent dark mood of the movie.Best Horror movie of late.
- The Ghost Ship (** ) - Average , regular Horror Flick.
These movies were seen by me over the last 2-2.5 months , in theatre , on dvd or on some movie channels.
Since I saw all the movies on weekends ....
For me the attraction lies more in the getting lost in different stories /tales for couple of hours.
Till then...happy watching..!!
Put the Glass DOWN Everyday..and Ya dont forget to BLOG !!
I KNOW , I KNOW , I KNOW ....I AM SORRY ...I AM SORRY ...This post has been long in coming , but ( this is not an excuse ) , but its a reminder to me..That how difficult is it in life to stick to SIMPLE things.
Simple thing ~ Post a Blog for 25 mins everyday.
Difficult thing ~ To implement the above. hard can this be ???
25 mins ??? urrrggghhh....There are so many 25 minute options in everyday life..
SLEEP for 25 mins , SWIM for 25 mins , JOG for 25 mins , READ for 25 mins , TALK to freinds for 25 mins ....So on ..and on and on...and on......!!
The fact is these small blocks of time are the most difficult to manage..
A 2 hour thingy everyday is very easily achievable..the mindy , body is selft directing towards completion of the BIG 2 hour job..
But Blog for 25 mins ?????????
If you havent got this by now ..( most of my near ones would have realised by now ,what I am trying to do ).
Making sarcastic statements against myself to ensure my mind realises that I HAVE COMMITTED A MISTAKE !!!!
Moving on....
This email below was a forwarded message from a colleague ( Muthu ) . I liked it a lot and am posting it here , so that I can see it and have others around me view it.
The message is so TRUE and if implemented , it will surely make the journey of life more enjoyable.
A professor began his class by holding up a glass with some water in it. "How much do you think this glass weighs?'
50gms! 100gms! 125gms ......the students answered.
"I really don't know unless I weigh it" said the professor, "but, my question is: What would happen if I held it up like this for a few minutes?'
"Nothing" the students said.
"Ok what would happen if I held it up like this for an hour?" the professor asked.
"Your arm would begin to ache" said one of the students.
"What would happen if I held it for a day?"
"Your arm could go numb, you might have severe muscle stress & paralysis"
"Very good. But during all these, did the weight of the glass change? No. Then what caused the arm ache & the muscle stress?' What can I do to avoid such pain?
"Why not put the glass down!" said one of the students.
"Exactly!' said the professor. "Life's problems are something like this.
Hold it for a few minutes in your head & they seem OK. Think of them for a long time & they begin to ache. Hold it even longer & they begin to paralyze you.
You will not be able to do anything. It's important to think of the challenges (problems) in your life, but EVEN MORE IMPORTANT to 'put them down' at the end of every day before you go to sleep. That way, you are not stressed, you wake up every day fresh & strong & can handle any issue!"
Simple thing ~ Post a Blog for 25 mins everyday.
Difficult thing ~ To implement the above. hard can this be ???
25 mins ??? urrrggghhh....There are so many 25 minute options in everyday life..
SLEEP for 25 mins , SWIM for 25 mins , JOG for 25 mins , READ for 25 mins , TALK to freinds for 25 mins ....So on ..and on and on...and on......!!
The fact is these small blocks of time are the most difficult to manage..
A 2 hour thingy everyday is very easily achievable..the mindy , body is selft directing towards completion of the BIG 2 hour job..
But Blog for 25 mins ?????????
If you havent got this by now ..( most of my near ones would have realised by now ,what I am trying to do ).
Making sarcastic statements against myself to ensure my mind realises that I HAVE COMMITTED A MISTAKE !!!!
Moving on....
This email below was a forwarded message from a colleague ( Muthu ) . I liked it a lot and am posting it here , so that I can see it and have others around me view it.
The message is so TRUE and if implemented , it will surely make the journey of life more enjoyable.
A professor began his class by holding up a glass with some water in it. "How much do you think this glass weighs?'
50gms! 100gms! 125gms ......the students answered.
"I really don't know unless I weigh it" said the professor, "but, my question is: What would happen if I held it up like this for a few minutes?'
"Nothing" the students said.
"Ok what would happen if I held it up like this for an hour?" the professor asked.
"Your arm would begin to ache" said one of the students.
"What would happen if I held it for a day?"
"Your arm could go numb, you might have severe muscle stress & paralysis"
"Very good. But during all these, did the weight of the glass change? No. Then what caused the arm ache & the muscle stress?' What can I do to avoid such pain?
"Why not put the glass down!" said one of the students.
"Exactly!' said the professor. "Life's problems are something like this.
Hold it for a few minutes in your head & they seem OK. Think of them for a long time & they begin to ache. Hold it even longer & they begin to paralyze you.
You will not be able to do anything. It's important to think of the challenges (problems) in your life, but EVEN MORE IMPORTANT to 'put them down' at the end of every day before you go to sleep. That way, you are not stressed, you wake up every day fresh & strong & can handle any issue!"
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